Saturday, July 6, 2013

Vista Bar, London

Drinks with a view

My internship this summer organised a "meet-and-greet-other-interns" type event at the Vista Bar in London - all expenses paid. So, along I trundled, a bit apprehensive because swanky bars just off Trafalgar Square are not my forte, and neither is eating and drinking sophisticatedly, unless scaling fences in Regent's Park at 3am with underwear fully on show is considered sophisticated.

But, I was in for a pleasant surprise. Although Vista Bar boasts five star service, the ambiance was very easy-going and friendly (on-the-house cocktails probably added to that!), unlike other five-star services that can sometimes be suffocatingly formal and stiff. The waiters were extremely helpful and the cocktails, most of which I'd never heard of before, were prepared swiftly and tasted incredible.

Photos taken with a HTC Desire

In typical summer style, my first drink was a Pimms, and it looked so much better than my standard Pimms-in-of-a-can, that it demanded its own photo.

We were fortunate with the weather. Vista Bar is an open roofed bar, which helps create a sense of openness and relaxation, and although there are heaters if the air turns a bit chilly, it's not the sort of place you'd want to find yourself in the midst of torrential rain.

The layout of Vista Bar was very chic, with a black colour scheme and some funky Alice in Wonderland-type ornaments breaking up spaces between tables. Although we were one of many groups there, the bar was spacious enough so that we didn't feel that we were encroaching on other people's personal space, nor were we able to overhear other conversations - a novelty in the normally claustrophobic London!

Despite all the positives of Vista Bar, menu prices listed on average about £14 for a cocktail. It is not your typical student retreat (unless regularly spending extortionate amounts of money on drinks is your thing) but for a fancier time out, or a work function, it certainly gets a thumbs up. 

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