Saturday, July 27, 2013

Byron, London

I implore anyone in London to visit Byron. Other than a cheeseburger from a random restaurant in the French Alps, Byron have time and time again confirmed my decision that they, unequivocally, serve the best burgers in the world. 

In the above picture I went for the Byron burger, which contains bacon and cheese and set me back £9.25. For an extra £3.50 I got a side of macaroni cheese, because my friend and I thought it would be funny to do that at the time. I wasn't laughing when I felt sick from ploughing through all the heavy pasta and meat, although I'm pretty sure he was.

Anyway, the staff at Byron are always extremely friendly and service is fast. We had a great chat with our waiter before our order. The burgers are Byron are cooked medium and to perfection - it is the juiciest, tenderest, most delicious burger, with fresh patties and crunchy salad and the perfect dollop of sauce that dribbles enticingly down your finger or, if you're really lucky, down your chin.

I was told the decor in the Byron restaurants is deliberately simple, almost rustic, to represent how there's nothing artificial or unhealthy about their food - other than the fact they're burgers, of course. I'm not sure how true it is that Byron don't use artificial ingredients, it's probably not true at all, but for how wonderful their food is, it is well worth putting clean-eating on hold for a day.

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