Saturday, July 6, 2013

Ibn Battuta Mall, Dubai

Ibn Battuta Mall in Dubai is one of the older malls of Dubai and is split into 6 different courts - each court with its own cultural theme. In recent years, the authorities have brought in mini-exhibitions about each culture's history, complete with interactive timelines and little pictures. 

In my opinion, the mall is the most spectacular in Dubai for interior design because it is so synonymous of Dubai's ostentation. The shopping isn't actually that great and the range of items can be quite sparse, particularly during the summer.

Photos taken with a Nikon d5100

The six courts are: Andalusia, Tunisia, Egypt, Persia, India and China. Pictured above is the Persia court, with a huge hanging latern that dominates the intricately decorated dome.

The man and the elephant are the main focus of the Indian court. I never realised the expression on the man's face until I zoomed in and took a picture of it, so didn't realise quite how cross-eyed and constipated he actually looks.

The China court is complete with its own ship, cinema complex and sometimes has an indoor market that sells traditional Arabic dress.

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