The weather promised to be warm, so as a temporary alleviation of the cement city that is Central London, we tubed out to Hampstead Heath (that's Zone 3 people, practically another country!).
Being among green again was incredible, especially overgrown, unruly green - not the green of manicured lawns in Hyde Park. I got slightly carried away taking pictures of the utterly unimpressive weeds and nettles so my two friends quickly ditched me.
We got lost finding the swimming ponds but on the plus side climbed many hills and pretended we were part of the Lord of the Rings crew, and saw some beautiful houses that really should have belonged in Cornwall, not the outskirts of London.
We found water, but alas, it wasn't swim-able. This was a slight relief as the state of the water looked pretty dire, plus it seemed to be home to some territorial geese.
London's equivalent of The Shire.
We eventually found the swim-able pond but were so tired by this point that the picnic called us. It was great up until it started raining and flies descended upon us.

We eventually went swimming - at the mixed pond. It was cold, but bearable, and very refreshing.
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