Sunday, June 30, 2013

Venice, Italy

Venice, Italy

July 2012, taken with a Canon 200IS and then edited slightly

The Bridge of Sighs, early in the morning

The gondola service warming up for a day's work.

San Marco/ St Marc's before being swarmed by tourists.

Piazza San Marco/ St Marc's Square still fairly empty, save for a few hopeful pigeons circling the tourists.

Lit candles inside San Marco

A friend we met up with in Venice, posing on one of the streets

Gondola service - (advice: we steered clear of the gondolas because we didn't have the money, but from what I've heard they're very overpriced and don't offer anything in the way of views that you can't see for yourself from the streets)

View from the Rialto bridge

We got lost somewhere and ended up on a street that was silent except for the fluid sound of a piano floating from an open window. An old, bald head then appeared on a balcony and watched us fumble with tatty maps, and continued staring at us until we had meandered back to where we wanted to be. It was a magical moment.

The fish market we stumbled across. It absolutely stunk.

Sunset on the Giudecca

Sunset on the Giudecca

This massive cruise liner was really out of place in Venice's narrow, crooked streets. If you look closely, you can see people on top of the cruise liner waving at us - the crowd in San Marco waved back.

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